Q&A with Dr. Schlessinger

Your commonly asked questions answered.

  • What is psoriasis?

    Psoriasis (pronounced sore-EYE-uh-sis) is a long-lasting skin disease in which the skin becomes inflamed, with red, thickened areas and silvery scales, most often on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. It’s the most common autoimmune disease in the United States, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation, and affects more than 7 million Americans.

  • What causes psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is a condition that you could inherit because of your genetics. Certain triggers could then set off the autoimmune response in your body. These triggers in your lifestyle or environment might be infections, stress, diet, allergies, certain medications, or injuries to the skin.

    You may never know for sure what has caused your psoriasis or what triggers flare-ups, but Dr. Schlessinger can carefully analyze your skin to ascertain an appropriate treatment option that can help.

  • Relieving Your Skin From the Burden of Psoriasis?

    Since there are many factors that can trigger psoriasis, a customized approach is needed for each individual patient. Dr. Schlessinger may employ the use of laser light therapy (excimer laser), biologic medications and injections, topical creams that may contain steroids, and other types of medication that can help soothe the inflamed skin. He might also suggest using certain shampoos and moisturizers along with the prescribed treatment for even better results.

    There are incredibly effective treatments for psoriasis, most of which Dr. Schlessinger helped personally to develop. Additionally, Dr. Schlessinger’s office is constantly working on new clinical research in this area and has an active clinical trials division that can offer the newest, state-of-the-art treatments long before they are publicly available.

‘I have been privileged to see the major changes in treatment options for psoriasis and been involved in the research on it. I love the changes that can be made in patients’ lives when the right treatment is initiated.’

Dr. Joel Schlessinger