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Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare Catalyst AC-11

Increase collagen and elastin production, promote wound healing and improve sun protection with Osmosis AC-11 DNA Repair Serum.

Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare Catalyst AC-11

Video Summary

Catalyst AC-11 is our level 3 serum, appropriate for all skin types. It contains a patented formula that activates your natural zinc finger remodeling process, which is a critical part of DNA repair. In addition, this product contains the patented technology AC-11 that is proven to increase DNA repair by 33%. The unique combination of vitamin C, amino acids and minerals also encourages the skin to increase collagen and elastin production, promotes wound healing and improves sun protection. The benefits of these serums can be seen with skin tags, broken capillaries, fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, and pigmentation.

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