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NeoStrata Enlighten Brightening Eye Cream

Reviews For NEOSTRATA Enlighten Brightening Eye Cream

6 Reviews
November 25, 2020

Enlighten Brightening Cream

I like this eye cream very much and will buy again. Light creamy texture goes on and absorbs easily. Feels comfortable and soothing. I feel that it has improved dark circles somewhat, nothing miraculous but an improvement that I notice.

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LovelySkin Customer

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January 20, 2020

Brightening May Be a Good Name

I started using this several weeks ago after trying some samples. It did seem to "brighten" the area around my eyes, but then I had cataract surgery. I knew I had circles under my eyes, but since the surgery, my vision enabled me to see a lot more clearly that I not only have circles, but they are very deep, like ridges,and they look dark too. Now I am still using the Neostrata Brightening cream, but am thinking I need some deeper action on those deep circles. That aside, this eye cream does what it says, though I doubt it will make much difference on my situation. I do like the pump dispenser very much.

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LovelySkin Customer

Verified Purchase

December 26, 2019


Haven't notice too much of a difference but enjoy how soothing it is.

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LovelySkin Customer

Verified Purchase

October 05, 2019

It’s ok

This was a little watery. I like that it did not settle into lines but prefer a thicker cream.

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LovelySkin Customer

September 06, 2019

Definitely brightens-up area around my eyes

After using this product for a week, I noticed a clear difference in the pigment around my eyes... much brighter and younger looking. I have fair skin and very dark circles under my eyes, which tend to be more pronounced as a result of my skin tone so I did not notice as extreme a difference with the dark coloring under the inner corner of my eyes as I did in other areas of the eye. Would say that if your dark circles are extreme, you may not be 100% satisfied; however, if they are more average that this cream will definitely do the trick for you!

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LovelySkin Customer

Verified Purchase

September 03, 2019

Perfect eye moisturizer!

I usually don't buy eye moisturizers because I get milia easy and also I kind of don't think they are worth it. This moisturizer sample changed my mind. I ended up buying it right away. I love the light gel like melt in feeling around my eyes. Absorbs really well for me, doesn't irritate my eyes, no millia. I cant claim the brightening but it definitely lessens my fine lines and perfectly preps my eye lid for a smooth base for primer before eyeshadow. This is more appreciated in the winter months and especially when consistently using my tretinoin.

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6 Reviews

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