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HydroPeptide HydroStem: DNA Repair & Pollution Protection

Reviews For HydroPeptide HydroStem Serum: DNA Repair & Pollution Protection

7 Reviews
April 26, 2024

️️️️️️Five Star Stem Seriun

I used HydroPeptide Stem serum years ago with excellent results and was thrilled to find out LovelySkin carries it! Takes about a month of use to truly see the benefits but it’s worth the perseverance. I pair the stem serum w/the hydro peptide cleanser and power lift moisturizer for optimal benefits. Ordering on line was seemless and I look forward to visiting LovelySkin spa for some additional services.

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January 30, 2018

Great daytime serum

I have dry mature fair skin with sun damage. I know, lucky me. I purchased this product to help all those issues and so far I've been very pleased. Nothing in a bottle can work miracles overnight, however this serum is proving to be a nice product. I wouldn't say it smells all that great but not bad either. One pump under the Power Lift Advanced Ultra-Rich Moisturizer and then I apply foundation. Absorbs easily and doesn't appear greasy. My skin does feel firmer and smoother. I do use other HydroPeptide products. I suspect it will last a while, a little goes a long way.

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LovelySkin Customer

Verified Purchase

November 06, 2017

It's great!

Skin feels smoother, fewer breakouts. Just love it.

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July 19, 2017


I love this product.

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LovelySkin Customer

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February 23, 2017

Love product

I love this product it firms, hydrates, mosturizes the skin. Gives a glow. So far it's my favorite serum.

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LovelySkin Customer

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June 01, 2015


I have been using this product for several months and have reordered it. You only need to use a little and it spreads evenly across your skin. Works well as a base before you use other HydroPeptide products.

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LovelySkin Customer

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March 17, 2015


The product has a nice smell and nice texture. A little does go a long away and I hope that makes the product last longer. Ive only been using it for just over a week and havent noticed anything miraculous yet. Havent noticed any changes at all yet so the verdict is still out on rather this product is worth the price or just a waste of money. It hasnt caused any breakouts. I will keep using it and will post an updated review once I can determine if it does anything or not.

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LovelySkin Customer

Verified Purchase

7 Reviews

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