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patchology PoshPeel Pedicure

Reviews For patchology PoshPeel Pedicure

251 Reviews
November 28, 2016

Patchology Posh Peel Pedicure

Love this product. Don''t expect immediate results. It takes about 3 days before you experience peeling on the top & bottom of feet. Once the peeling is over which is about 7 days your feet are pink & soft. Will definitely purchase more of this product.

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LovelySkin Customer

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November 12, 2016

Awesome Experience

Followed the directions and soaked my feet 15 minutes before and after application. Feet started to peel in three days. I waited 5 days before I started pulling sheets of skin off. I did not force the the skin to come off as I did not want any raw areas on my feet. Heels were the last place to peel. After a week, the dead skin is gone my feet are soft and look great. Highly recommend this product.

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LovelySkin Customer

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November 08, 2016


This stuff works! I used one peel per bootie and left it on for 90 minutes. Then I rinsed my feet off. No irritation or sensitivity at all. Three days later, the sole of my feet peeled in large sheets. So gross and yet satisfying! My feet continued to peel for several days - in lesser intensity with each passing day. I will continue using this on regular routine schedule!

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LovelySkin Customer

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November 07, 2016

It works

When I moved from Nebraska to Arizona my feet became dry and cracked, I tried everything, including going to a podologist to scrape the dead skin from my heels and nothing seemed to work. When I saw this product, I was a little skeptical but since I was desperate, I decided to give it a try. I followed the instructions and soaked my feet in warm water beforehand for 15 minutes. The process it is a little on the messier side. Next time, I will plan on not doing anything during the soaking period, since my feet was in such horrible shape, I soaked for 90 minutes and I ended up putting one of my regular socks on the top the plastic socks to help with the mess. I was very disappointed at first since I had no peeling for the first couple of days. On day 6, I started peeling, and from there was a lot of peeling, a week later I was still peeling, it does look gross while it's peeling, I felt I got the same amount of peeling that I get from professional grade facial peelings (I did not expect to peel the same amount since the skin on my feet is so much thicker and this is an at-home product), if you an important event coming up that requires you to wear sandals, give yourself a good 10 to 14 days for peeling time. My feet look amazing and I will be buying the product again. If your feet are in bad shape, you should give this product a try, this is the only product that can be done at home that has worked for me. FYI: Three days before I used the PoshPeel, I had a gel pedicure done and after I removed my feet from the peeling solution most of the polish had come out.

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October 06, 2016

Love it!

This was great! I ended up splitting one packet of the solution between the two socks, rather than one in each sock, and it worked really well. I just repurchased this and am excited for my boyfriend to try it with me!

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LovelySkin Customer

LovelySkin Employee

October 02, 2016

Not for the faint hearted!

I did the treatment on a Thursday night and started peeling on Monday. By Tuesday, there were large sheets of skin coming off.. I used scrubby gloves one day to help with the process but otherwise just rubbed off what I could after each shower. It was pretty amazing the amount of skin that came off and if you are on the squeamish side could be a little gross. I don''t know if my feet were particularly bad but after the treatment, I still have rough skin so I took away one star. They are definitely better but not super smooth at this point.

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LovelySkin Customer

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September 18, 2016

Liquid mess

Absolutely love the concept! However, in reality it was a bit messier than I anticipated. I purchased the product a few months ago and finally had the chance to try it. Everything appeared to be sealed and intact but when I placed the solution in the first sock it leaked everywhere! I found a small hole/tear at the seam in the toe. In addition, the solution must be placed in the inside liner. The sock has an outside plastic liner and a lighter mesh liner inside. However, the solution still appeared to leak. I ended up placing socks on over the plastic socks for added protection. I waited the full 60 minutes recommended. My feet feel sensitive but do not have any noticeable peeling. Perhaps, if the solution stayed in the sock longer, there would be a notable difference.

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September 12, 2016

Works Too Well

Word of advice before you use this product. It does make your feet really peel so don't plan on wearing sandals or flip flops because your peeling feet look awful. It is almost like the peeling associated with a sunburn. The product does work as advertised if you follow the directions. I followed the directions to a tee. It took about 2 days before my feet began to peel. At day 9 they are still peeling. The skin on my feet have peeled so badly, I now have a couple of deep sores around the heel areas on both feet where the skin peeled off too deeply, it worked too well I think. I do wear sandals and flip flops mostly in the summer and go barefoot a lot too so my feet are tough and do have a few calluses, it's not like they are delicate. I really wanted to love this product, was actually excited to try it. But after trying it now and the results I received, I will not be using this product again. Everyone's skin is different so it may work well for you, but is is not for me.

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LovelySkin Customer

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September 12, 2016

PoshPeel Aging Soles

This great buy was a pleasant surprise. No expectation of great results. However it really helped smooth heels. With significant results inside top of my feet. Highly recommend.

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LovelySkin Customer

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September 06, 2016

Smooth feet

Be sure you carve out enough time in your schedule to do this treatment. I spent 90 minutes total. I found it tedious to sit with my feet on the floor in the booties for an hour. I did have reading material. If I had not had something to read I would have gone bonkers. I felt it best to leave my feet on the floor so that the solution would cover the bottom of my feet. I did a 15 minute soak before the treatment and after. It took several days for the peeling to begin but when it started it was amazing. Be sure to rub your feet with a washcloth or pumice stone every day. Do it someplace where you won't be bothered by piles of dead skin. I used a washcloth in the shower. The peeling goes on for 4-5 days. During that time my feet looked like a snake shedding its skin! Now that the sloughing has finished my feet are smooth and soft. They are better than they have been in years! This product really works. The only down side is the time involved sitting with the booties on.

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LovelySkin Customer

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August 31, 2016

Super duper amazing

This is such an amazing product. My feet peeled and now left with smooth and new skin. Sandals are no longer left behind. The quality of the package is so expensive and luxury. Easy to use and left with extra Essences which I used on my hands.

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