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Why You Need to Clean Your Phone Screen NOW

by Kristen|May 25, 2017
Your Phone is Gross & You Need to Clean It!

Think of all the things you touch during the day. Now think of how many times you or other people touch your phone. For most of us, our smartphones rarely leave our sides. This means our favorite devices are also breeding grounds for harmful germs and bacteria.

Microbiologists estimate that every square inch of your smartphone contains as many as 25,000 germs—that’s twenty times more germs than a toilet seat! When your phone is constantly in use, it feels warm to the touch. Then when your phone is not in use, it’s stowed away inside your warm pocket. This constant warmth is the perfect environment for bacterial growth.

What Does This Mean For My Skin?

Dr. Joel Schlessinger, CEO of LovelySkin.com and board-certified dermatologist, finds that many of his 'acne' patients are actually suffering from bacterial infections from phones that are contaminated. This includes the most dangerous infection, MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus)!

You’re always touching doorknobs, computer keyboards, computer mice, money and other germ-covered objects and then touching your smartphone. When you bring your phone to your cheek (and near your mouth!), all those bacteria work their way into your pores, leading to acne, inflammation and irritation.

Some of the more harmful bacteria experts have found on smartphones include staphylococcus aureus (staph bacteria), MRSA and E. coli. Aside from being extremely unsanitary, many of these bacteria can be dangerous to your overall health.

How to Clean Your Phone Screen

No more wiping your smartphone on your pants and calling it good! The best way to take care of these germs and bacteria is to wipe your phone down with a cleaning solution on a regular basis. It’s easy to make your own cleaning solution without damaging your device. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Fill a small spray bottle with 80% water and 20% isopropyl alcohol.
  2. Spritz the solution onto a microfiber cloth.
  3. Use the cloth to wipe down your device.
  4. Repeat as needed (at least once a week).

Remember: To avoid damaging your device, never spray the solution directly on your phone!

One other strategy, according to Dr. Schlessinger, is to make sure your phone has a case, such as OtterBox, that can be removed and cleaned easily in warm, soapy water.

Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands!

The best way to stop the spread of harmful germs and bacteria is with good hygiene. Dr. Schlessinger recommends washing your hands and body with CLn BodyWash because it contains bleach, a natural antibacterial agent that eliminates germs and bacteria without the worsening of antibiotic resistance.

CLn BodyWash

Do you have a question about how to clean your phone screen? Share with us in the comments below, or tell us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #LovelySkin!

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About the Author

Kristen is a copy editor for LovelySkin who loves catching up on the latest in skin care and beauty trends. Her favorite things include cats, concerts and Harry Potter.

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