Just in time for summer, a new anti-cellulite treatment has hit the market and is causing plenty of buzz. We’re talking about Qwo, an injectable cellulite treatment that is landing in doctors’ offices around the country this season. Are you curious what this new cellulite treatment is all about? With the help of board-certified dermatologist and LovelySkin CEO, Dr. Joel Schlessinger, who participated in Qwo’s clinical trials, we’ll answer all of your questions, including:
- What is the new cellulite treatment, Qwo?
- How do Qwo cellulite injections work?
- How long do Qwo cellulite injections last?
- What are the risks of Qwo cellulite injection treatment?
- What’s the difference between Qwo and other anti-cellulite treatments?
- How can I get Qwo cellulite treatment shots?
Dr. Schlessinger is excited to add Qwo cellulite treatment shots to the lineup of anti-cellulite treatments available at his practice. “Truly, this is a gamechanger,” he says. “Having been involved in the Qwo trials with one of the largest groups of enrollees in the country, I am excited to see the benefits of this product for our patients.”
What Is the New Cellulite Treatment, Qwo?
Qwo is a prescription injectable (a solution that is injected into the skin with a needle) containing enzymes called collagenases. It is currently cleared by the FDA to treat moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women.
How Does Qwo Work?
Your doctor will inject Qwo into each dimple of cellulite using a syringe with a small needle. The collagenase enzymes in Qwo reduce the appearance of cellulite by dissolving the fibrous bands that cause cellulite’s dimply look.
Your doctor will determine your exact treatment plan, but you can expect a maximum of twelve injections on up to two treatment areas (one buttock is one treatment area, for example) on your first doctor’s visit. You’ll return for a second visit twenty-one days later, and a third visit twenty-one days after that.
How Long Does Qwo Last?
Qwo’s studies have monitored patients for ninety days, so the jury is still out on how long the effects will last.
What Are the Risks of Qwo?
According to the makers of Qwo, the most common side effects include “injection site bruising, pain, areas of hardness, itching, redness, discoloration, swelling and warmth in the treatment area.”
How Does Qwo Compare to Other Anti-Cellulite Procedures?
There is an array of cellulite treatments on the market—from topical creams to in-office procedures—with various degrees of invasiveness and effectiveness.
“Topical anti-cellulite creams that contain caffeine are the least invasive, but not especially effective,” Dr. Schlessinger says. “They can temporarily give the appearance of smoother skin, but don’t do anything to change the structure underneath the skin that is causing cellulite.”
Qwo is less invasive than other in-office treatments for cellulite, such as Cellfina (which uses a microblade) and Cellulaze (powered by lasers). “What’s also different about Qwo is that it appears to chemically release the fibrous bands that cause cellulite, as opposed to Cellfina and Cellulaze, which sever the bands physically,” Dr. Schlessinger says.
One other notable difference is that Qwo is currently only FDA-cleared to treat cellulite on the buttocks, while Cellfina and Cellulaze can also be used on the thighs.
How Can I Get the Anti-Cellulite Shot, Qwo?
Qwo is now available at doctors’ offices, including Dr. Schlessinger’s practice in Omaha, Nebraska. You’ll want to chat with your doctor about whether or not you’d be a good candidate to use Qwo and what you can expect as far as side effects and risks.
“The biggest area of opportunity is indented areas on the buttock, but there are other areas that can be improved as well,” Dr. Schlessinger says. “When we see you as a patient, I will determine the best way to go forward. Additionally, I perform all my injections myself, which means you get the best results possible.”
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