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GlyDerm Gly Masque 3%

Watch as Alex, one of our aestheticians, explains why she loves the GlyDerm Gly Mask 3% with glycolic acid.

GlyDerm Gly Masque 3%

Video Summary

Alex: The GlyDerm GlyMasque is one of my favorite products. I started using this mask when I needed a good home treatment that was exfoliating but something gentle and this has done wonderful things for my skin.

Before applying your GLyDerm masque, you’re going to want to wash your face with the GlyDerm Gentle Face Cleanser to make sure your skin’s ready to go. Your next step is you’re going to grab your GlyDerm Masque and give it a good shake just to get all of the ingredients mixed together and then you’re going to get a quarter-size and put it all over your face. This is going to stay on your skin up to 30 minutes. GlyDerm actually has a great product, the Gly Mist that you can actually spritz right over your face just to keep it moist and I use it every time.

What really separates the mask from others I’ve tried in the past is that mixture of 3% glycolic acid and the natural clay and it has really helped transform my skin.

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