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Beta-Clarity Pro 5 Liquid Exfoliant by Glo Skin Beauty

Beta-Clarity Pro 5 Liquid Exfoliant by Glo Skin Beauty smooths, clarifies and brightens skin. Shop

A woman looking forward with her mouth open holding a skin care bottle.

Video Summary

Beta-Clarity Pro 5 Liquid Exfoliant by Glo Skin Beauty

Glo Skin Beauty Beta-Clarity Pro 5 Liquid Exfoliant effectively exfoliates skin removing blemish-causing dirt and debris. Formulated with a mix of five alpha hydroxy acids, this brightening treatment clears out pores and clarifies your complexion.

Looking for more skin care essentials? Shop all Glo Skin Beauty products.

Plus, discover more purifying and skin-balancing cleansers on our website.

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