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SkinMedica TNS Pump Solutions

Watch as Candise from LovelySkin demonstrates how to prime and use the pump system on the SkinMedica TNS Essential Serum.

TNS Pump Solutions

Video Summary

Hi guys, today we are going to be talking about the SkinMedica TNS Essential Serum. This particular product has a very unique dual-pump chamber that also has a vacuum system. This is a very effective way to help get the products all the way up and out so that way you don’t have any remaining product left in the bottle. But because it is not the typical straw treatment that you would see going down into the bottle, it does require a little bit of priming to get your product started.

The product line itself actually suggests that you go ahead and invert the bottle, tip it upside down and tap it into the palm a few times just to kind of prime that pump, to get that vacuum system up and running.

Now, because it is also a unique, dual chamber system there are a few other ways I want to show you just in case you have a little clogging. Right here in the very front are a couple holes. When you first get your product and it’s not all coming out, another thing you can do is take your forefinger and just press it right over top those holes and go ahead and pump anywhere from about 10 to 15 times. This is going to go ahead and draw any excess air up and out of those chambers so that way you can get your full product.

Another way to help keep your product from getting clogged or any dry pieces out is you can actually go ahead and remove the very top, like so, turn it over and if you can see, you can see the little pumps right in here. What you can do from there is you can actually go ahead and rinse that out underneath your sink. You can actually go ahead and take a paperclip, for example, and go ahead and just kind of lightly clean out those holes to help get any excess dry product out of that chamber so that way you can make sure you get it properly out.

Last but not least, don’t forget because it is a dual chamber system, you want to make sure that you’re pumping right down the middle of the product. That way you’re drawing both of them up very evenly on both sides. So not to either side, you want to go ahead and do it right down the middle, and this is how it should look when it comes out.

If you have any questions about the TNS Essential Serum or the airless pump, be sure you contact our Customer Care team through email, phone call or our live chat.

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Commented By
Starina5 - November 20, 2019

SO helpful! I have bought several bottles of this and generally have not had a problem but had one that had trouble in one chamber and following these instructions quickly resolved. It's such a fantastic product that's made a huge difference in my skin, it's great to know a few simple tips to keep it dispensing smoothly. Thank you!

Commented By
- October 27, 2016

Why I want to buy a product that give me so many steps just to open it and put some cream in my face. I will be afraid that product is not fresh


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